Catch up with Mer & Mikki and this week’s show. Three hours of Singer Songwriter, Signed and Unsigned music from across the UK and the Rest of the World.
This week features
The Capistrano Birds
Mack Meadows
Tony Moore
Rosanna J Eastman – Chris Lyons
Simon Hough
Starlite Campbell Band
Louis Mc Teggart
Jason Mark Yates
Clara Mae
Vincent Brown
Michael Sellars -Gerry Verdier
Ian Roberts
Mark Barnwell
Susan Mockridge Tribute – The Capistrano Birds – Mr Yodester
Jamie Coldwell – JC Wells
Les Glover
Leopard Music Publishers – Tim Jones
Paul Pash Hutchinson
Randall Griffith – Jon KT Lindley – Colby Gray
Paul Harper
Boo Sutcliffe
David S McCormack – Irene McCormack
John Carr
Paul Strickley
Ingela Rensfeldt
Terance Julian
Secret Squirrel
The Capsitrano Birds