Join Peter for 2 hours of the best in new and upcoming music on the scene right now and a couple of classics.
This week includes:
The K’sMarquis DriveNorthern RevelationTHE SWAGGERCivic GreenSour HoneyFilthy TricksCRAWLERSSepronaAerial Salad.The Mojo SlideMiracle Glass CompanyCamensJUPITER’S BEARDHUULENChina MoonBought It For The BottleHoney MotelFive Days NorthCold Water SwimmersRed Rum ClubSOURDOUGHPRIESTGATE
Please like like like and SHARE SHARE SHARE the BOOTS out of it on your social media sites lets get your band heardAny bands with new tracks or any listeners that know of bands that I should be playing please send them over
Thanks to@Danny Watson Happy House ManagementSoftlad PromotionsPuffer Fish Press42’s RecordsKnight PR