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The Big Fat Indie Show – 14th Jun 2022

Catch up with Peter for 2 hours of the best in new and upcoming music on the scene right now and a couple of classics.

This week features:
Track of the month “Fever” by @Rivver

Playlist includes:
@Peachst @Blue Orchid Reaction Velvet Starlings Collars Firebug Belonging The Velvet Hands Marseille – Band Si Connelly THIRD LUNG Vix20 The Love Asylum The Fiends The Great Leslie Band Femegades Warriors of the Dystotheque LNC MOSES Sam Scherdel Ernest Moon @MSTRD Apostles

Feel free to like and share on your socials
Any bands with new tracks or any listeners that know of bands that I should be playing please send them over –
Thanks to
Danny Watson Happy House Management Softlad Promotions Puffer Fish Press Bad Apple Music Group Knight PR

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