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Still Annoying The Neighbours #8

Still Annoying The Neighbours…

60 minutes of Punk / Post Punk / Hardcore / New Wave / Oi! / Psychobilly and all things your parents didn’t want corrupting their offspring.
From 1976 to the 80’s and beyond. Old favourites and rare cuts.
Join me Colin Campbell for a trip back in time to days of strikes, power cuts, protests and the three day week, when we didn’t have a care in the World.

“And Johnny’s upstairs in his bedroom sitting in the dark
Annoying the neighbours with his punk rock electric guitar”

This weeks playlist:

1 Disco Man – The Damned
2 Baby Baby – The Vibrators
3 Government Stinks – Violators
4 Rowche Rumble – The Fall
5 Kill The Poor – Dead Kennedys
6 How Much Longer – Alternative TV
7 Poseur – Combat 84
8 Chinese Rocks (Live) – Johnny Thunders
9 Another Dead Soldier – Anti-Pasti
10 It Says Here – Billy Bragg
11 Protest & Survive – The Varukers
12 Selfish View – Chaos UK
13 Cop Cars – The Boys
14 Police Car – Cockney Rejects
15 Black Sheep – Vice Sqaud
16 Bone Idol – The Drones
17 Time Bomb – Blitz
18 GLC – Menace
19 Hurry Up Harry – Sham 69
20 Thinkin’ Of The USA – Eater
21 Warrior In Woolworths – X-Ray Spex

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